Webinar: Family Liaison Services – Working with Families, for Families

  • Webinar: Family Liaison Services – Working with Families, for Families
     24 April 2025
     12:15 pm - 3:15 pm 12.15pm to 3.15pm


Louise Pye, Karen Lascelles, Rosi Reed, Stephen Habgood, Len Hodkin, Kirk Wilson, Sue Massingham and Julie Kerry


This new Making Families Count webinar is designed specifically for NHS staff who are committed to engaging positively with patients and families after a serious patient safety incident.

The programme seeks to create a unique learning experience for those in Family Liaison or Patient Engagement roles across the NHS. It focuses on learning from the lived experience of patients and families after serious patient safety incidents, contrasts the family liaison roles within the NHS and other sectors, and shares the learning from experts who have developed and run Family Liaison services in other parts of the NHS. The model of delivery enables delegates to interact with each other and with presenters, learning from each other and developing or expanding their peer support networks, which will be beneficial beyond the event itself.

This webinar is for…

  • Family Liaison Service Teams
  • Patient Engagement Teams
  • Directors of Nursing and Patient Services
  • Staff involved in Serious Incident Investigations
  • Staff involved in PSIRF implementation

Learning Outcomes

  • Contrasting the model of family liaison within the NHS and other sectors to create an understanding of alternate approaches, training, and service delivery.
  • Develop a deeper understanding of the impact and long-term consequences for families of poor engagement during protracted incident investigations. Hearing the family’s perspective after an incident involving serious harm or death.
  • Consider the crucial link between the NHS Trust and the family as they negotiate the difficult and complex NHS investigation process and related processes, e.g. inquests.
  • Developing strong communication skills, being able to listen and empathise to build trust with families.
  • Develop an approach to create an ethical relationship with the family by building trust, sharing information between families and the investigation lead, providing information about additional services available to families, and signposting to relevant support agencies. Consider the continuation of support, if needed, when the investigation closes.
  • Consider your own peer support network and opportunities for expanding this further and use this webinar to reflect upon additional training and development needs and how these can be met.


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United Kingdom


This is a Webinar.

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Webinar Ticketshow details + £90.00 GBP