Webinar: Working with Families after Suicide

  • Working with Families after Suicide
     1 June 2023
     12:30 pm - 2:00 pm

“The National Suicide Prevention Strategy for England identifies improving support for people bereaved by suicide as a key objective and the NHS Long Term Plan highlights the aim of ensuring adequate services for all people bereaved by suicide. Much of this support will be community-based, but NHS providers also have a responsibility to offer both support and signposting to families and carers of service users who die by suicide.” (NHS Nurse Consultant, Suicide Prevention)

Understanding and supporting those who have lost someone to suicide can be difficult and sensitive, given the complex nature of suicide and its impact on family members and friends. This webinar will raise awareness of these complex issues to help us better support families through this difficult and tragic event. Staff often find it difficult to engage with families when there has been a suicide and worry about saying the wrong thing or causing further distress. In this webinar, we explore how health and care staff can better support and manage a family through the acute phase of dealing with their loss, thus increasing the confidence of staff members in working with families after a death.

We recommend this webinar for staff using the new PSIRF (Patient Safety Incident Response Framework).

  • Presenters: Stephen Habgood (Director, Making Families Count), Karen Lascelles (Nurse Consultant, Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust), and David Smith.
  • All participants will receive the programme and background information about Making Families Count in advance. Everyone who attends the webinar will receive a resources pack afterwards. Making Families Count webinars are in the process of becoming CPD accredited.


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