Webinar: Working Well with Distressed Families
29 June 2023
12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
Health staff frequently express concerns about how to work well with distressed families. They are often unsure about when and how to make contact and have conversations. They lack confidence and worry about getting it wrong, which can result in delaying contacting the family or avoiding the contact altogether which inevitably makes the situation worse. This webinar explores what working well with distressed families looks like, why it is so important and what it achieves. We also examine the effects of doing it badly and doing it well through the presentations of family members and give you a useful “how-to and when-to” guide.
We recommend this webinar for staff using the new PSIRF (Patient Safety Incident Response Framework), as working well with distressed families is a recommendation of PSIRF.
- Presenters: Jan Fowler (NHS Executive Director retired), Dorit Braun(Making Families Count), Jan Sunman (Making Families Count) and Rosi Reed (Making Families Count).