Available now: new free eLearning resources for clinicians working in mental health and emergency departments.
Life Beyond the Cubicle is an exciting Making Families Count project that has produced learning materials which aim to educate and update staff on the importance of involving families wherever possible during mental health crises to improve patient care, avoid harm and reduce deaths.

This project was developed in partnership with Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust and funded by NHS England SE Region (with HEE legacy funds).
The eLearning resources were designed to encourage clinicians to work well with families and friends in developing care and safety plans for someone in an acute mental health crisis. The resources are engaging and interactive. Key issues addressed include confidentiality, consent, information sharing, listening to families, unconscious bias, safety planning, and domestic abuse.

There is a huge body of evidence and a great deal of guidance that supports the proper involvement of families and friends in the assessment and care of people during and after a mental health crisis. Yet we know that this is not routinely done.
The project was developed with a Co-Creation Group of service users, family carers and clinicians. It was supported by an Advisory Group, drawn from a wide range of expertise, tested in 11 NHS Trusts, and evaluated by Buckinghamshire New University.
The project was coordinated by Dorit Braun, who has blogged about her experiences. Karen Lascelles led the Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust contributions. The Life Beyond the Cubicle resources are available free to health and social care professionals via the NHS England eLearning platform.