MFC in Partnership with Autism Oxford and Surrey County Council

Making Families Count have delivered a range of webinars in partnership with Autism Oxford to Surrey County Council. The webinars have been focused on suicide prevention and autism, delivering training to a range of health and education staff in the County. We have provided the focus on families with lived experience of both autism and suicide prevention, and members of Making Families Count have delivered presentations in those webinars. Autism Oxford provided information about autism and the impact this might have on those who are diagnosed or not and may be considered neurodivergent. We know that around 700,000 people may …

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The C word.

The church has long held the view that suicide was a sin.  PAPYRUS challenged the Catholic church’s view that suicide was a sin, which also contributed to the stigma around suicide and the view that the suicidal person had ‘committed’ a sin. We were sent a very clear message that the Catholic church did not hold the view that a person had ‘committed a sin’ if they were clearly unwell at the time. We did the same with other faiths and received the same kind of response. It is becoming clearer that the term ‘committed suicide’ is no longer appropriate.  …

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Getting to know Making Families Count – Stephen Habgood

This is the first of a series of blogs in which the members of Making Families Count write about what drew them into the work they do and how they feel about it. It’s another way of getting to know the individual members of MFC and gaining a better understanding of our work. STEPHEN HABGOOD (Director of Making Families Count) “Soon after I was appointed as Chair of PAPYRUS Prevention of Young Suicide in 2010 I put together a newsletter article in which I raised my concern about the way the Trust investigated my son’s suicide. As a former prison service …

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